

The [HideLabel] attribute is a simple attribute that removes the label of a field in the Unity Inspector. The attribute is useful when the label itself doesn’t add much context or when dealing with inspector elements that benefit from a streamlined display.

Syntax and Examples

Note: These examples use Unity’s [SerializeField] on private fields to promote encapsulation. This approach can help protect internal data from unintended access by other scripts and maintain clean, organized code. For more details, see Unity’s documentation on SerializeField.

Using [HideLabel] is straightforward. Simply apply the attribute above the field you want to display without a label.

Basic Syntax

private int valueWithoutLabel;

Example 1: Applying to a Primitive Field

Let’s say you want to display a float without a label, for instance, as a transparency or scale factor where the field’s purpose is clear without an additional label.

private float transparency;

Result: In the Inspector, this field will display only the float input box without a label, making it more visually streamlined.

Gif of Example 1 result

Example 2: Using with Unity Native Types

You can also apply [HideLabel] to native Unity types like Color to hide the label, useful when the color picker speaks for itself.

private Color mainColor;

Result: The Color field will show only the color picker without the label, creating a minimalistic and user-friendly look.

Gif of Example 2 result